About us
Seabreeze is an independent family run business. You can be assured a warm and friendly welcome awaits you from your hosts - Linda and Ian Hinton, who will help you make the most of your stay in Aberdovey on the Cardigan Bay coastline in Wales. Having both gained extensive experience by travelling & working in hotels of the highest quality, this has now been brought to Seabreeze. This is reflected by the high standards and individual guest service and attention to detail that is often commented upon.
Seabreeze offers comfortable bed and breakfast (B&B) accommodation and is situated on the Aberdovey (Aberdyfi) seafront overlooking the beautiful Dovey Estuary and the mountains beyond. Ideally situated in the old fishing port of Aberdovey in Wales at the edge of the Snowdonia National Park.
All rooms (view rooms here) are en-suite and 5 have uninterrupted sea views over the estuary, sandy beaches and the mountains beyond.
We are pleased to have been awarded 4 stars in 2009 and are looking to build on that success by launching a new restaurant that offers locally sourced food (where possible) using only the finest ingredients. Join us from May 1st onwards for some real treats from our menus featuring seasonal dishes to suit all tastes young and old.
DINNER 6.00pm - 9.00pm (Young persons early sitting available from 5.00pm during the season)
View our sample Dinner menu here
Whether you need help planning your day, advice on favourite walks, local attractions or a lift to the train station your hosts will be happy to help. Please contact us if you would like to make a booking, or would like more information.